Transformative Journeys
Begin with Us
Power Hour
Academic mentorship program. Our Power Hour program provides virtual tutoring during after-school hours for students needing assistance with homework to close learning gaps.
Women Exploring STEM (WE STEM)
Girls STEM program. Our girls are introduced to career fields where women are underrepresented. Participants are mentored by women of color further acknowledging their ability to participate in the STEM career fields.
Let’s Get Lit
Financial literacy program. This program is open to girls, boys, and their families and explores generational wealth, and closing the income gap.
Career Pathways Program
Career exploration program. District 2 students research underrepresented careers aligned to state-identified school pathways with community partners and industry leaders.
Parents as Partners
A parent advocacy group. Sessions give parents access to resources and information as it relates to student school success ensuring on-time high school graduation as well as readiness for college, career, and/or military.
Org 2 Org
Organizational Collaboration. Supports newly formed youth organizations in analyzing program success and providing feedback on strategies to meet identified needs.